Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I just thought I needed to post on my blog something more on the happy side - I read through my blog and it almost depresses me how unhappy all my posts seems - I know they are just my thoughts for that particular day and I can't help that they seem down but I just want to put something on here that is on a happy note.
My son makes me smile so much - today he decided he wanted to write a letter to Santa... so he brought me some paper and a marker since he cannot write yet.. except for his name which he is doing so well at.. and he told me what to write. Here is what the letter says.. all in his words... "Dear Santa, I'm going to be at Grandma B's house, I really want you to bring me a Hot Wheels case with Hot Wheels in it and I want a goldfish. I hope you have fun at the North Pole. Love, Brevin" I knew about the Hot Wheels case filled with Hot Wheels but he sprung on me the goldfish - I asked him why he suddenly wanted a goldfish and he told me it was because he still has not gotten one for giving up his binky. He did just give up his binky this year.. back in July and we kept telling him that when he gave it up he could get a goldfish but when it came time to get one... he decided he didn't want one and only wanted toys instead and it was never brought up by him again... till now... so now we need to find a way to get this boy a goldfish... from Santa... just a bit of a laugh for the day. I love how much he surprises Mike and I.. on a daily basis.. I am just glad he didn't ask for another dog or a cat.. eventhough I really do want a cat!