Thursday, October 14, 2010

Busy Busy... what we are up to

This past couple weeks have been one thing after another!!! Last week Thursday morning Brevin woke up and was very teary - not really crying but very close - I asked him if he didn't feel well and he kept saying he didn't know... so I decided to keep him home from school and I am glad I did. He took a nap in the afternoon and when he woke up - he was screaming and look terrified - I felt his head and he was burning hot so I gave him some motrin and that did the trick. The twins were also not feeling the best because they are cutting their one year molars so their noses were VERY snotty!! Anyway.. that night we had an appointment for family pictures - we loaded the kids up on meds and off to the park we went - I think the pictures went well - we will see in a week or so how things turned out.. it was a beautiful day!!

That night I had Brev sleep in our bed - he was only asleep an hour and he woke up again screaming but this time he was shaking and talking really weird... it scared Mike and I, so Mike picked up Brev and off to ER they went - he must have spiked a really high fever and had almost like a seizure. The Dr. checked him for strep throat because his throat was red but it came back negative.. he still put Brevin on an antibiotic - he was such a brave boy in the ER - that is a scary place for kids - I am so proud of him. He had another repeat of Thursday night on Friday night - woke up screaming and shaking but this time we gave him meds... the dr. told us to alternate Motrin and Tylenol for a good 48 hours... that seemed to work. So that weekend Judy and Roger came into town to watch the kids while Mike and I went to a wedding - a co-worker of mine got married. The wedding was fun and it was fun hanging out with "Gold's gang".. here is a picture of some of us girls.

Brevin was still not feeling the best but better than he was the night of the wedding. Thank you SO much to Judy and Roger for still being willing to come in and watch the kids for us so we could have a date night - it really was nice to go out.. especially after being stuck inside with sick kids for almost a good week!!! THANK YOU!!!!
Brev is back to feeling great and back to school - so happy and relieved that he is all better!!

Now onto Ian.. we had an appointment yesterday with the urologist - Ian does have a communicating hydrocele that needs to be fixed.. so surgery is scheduled for thursday, November 4 - I am really scared about this.. I thought I would be fine - after doing research online I kind of knew that he would have to have surgery but to have the dr. actually tell me and then going over things with the nurse - I am really nervous and overwhelmed about this.. Ian is going to be put out for this so the wake up and recovery is what really worries me.. but I have such wonderful family and friends so I know I will have the support that I will need.

Now about Alex... I am SO excited to report that he FINALLY pulled himself up!!! On 10/10/10 he pulled himself up on the couch to get his blankie. Then the next day I went in to get the twins in the morning and there was Alex standing in his crib!!! He pulled himself up on the window sill to look out and now today is pulling himself up on his toys!! We are so excited about this because he should have been doing this by now.. the pediatrician wasn't too worried but she wanted to see him doing this by 18 months!!! Yeah Alex... here is a picture of him standing!!

I think this is about it for now. Life is crazy but life is so good!!!

I love my kids!!!