Wednesday, May 6, 2009


My 16 week appointment was yesterday - extremely nervous with this appointment but all still seems to be going well which I am SO thankful for!! We got more ultrasound pictures - I think I could put a book together with how many ultrasound pictures we have gotten over the past 12 weeks. I started feeling the babies move so that was very exciting. I already gained 10 pounds... 10 more to go by June 5 according to my doctor....I go back again in 2 weeks.

I am excited to be coming back to my home town this weekend for the festival and to see family.. but mother's day is going to be a bit hard this year because I am a mother to a child who will not be here and it just makes me sad all over again - there still isn't a single day that goes by where I don't think of Troy... so Sunday we will be making a special trip to visit his grave site. I know how blessed I am to have Brevin in my life and to be pregnant again but it does not take away the pain of losing Troy - I miss him and always will.

Happy Mother's day to everyone... to those who have children.. those who have lost children and pregnancies and to those who long to be mothers... because no matter what.. we are all mothers and we all deserve to be recognized and not forgotten.