Friday, January 29, 2010

4 months old!!

Yesterday the twins turned 4 months! I can't believe how fast time is flying by... but it always does. The boys are doing great! They had their Dr. appointment today and here is where they are at:

16 pounds
26 inches

14 pounds 8 ounces
25 inches

The appointment went good.. the shots were hard... Ian didn't cry on the first shot but did on the second one.. they only each had to get 2 shots. Alex cried almost the whole time we were there.. he didn't nap much today so he is WAY tired.
We just have to work more with Alex on getting him to hold his head up more and work with him on grabbing objects - he doesn't do it much like Ian does. We also have to take Alex to UofM to get his kidney checked... he was born with an enlarged kidney and he had it checked at 1 month of age and now we have to go again... he might have reflux where the urine back flows up into his kidney and that might be the reason for his one kidney to be oversized. They will have to shoot dye into his system to see where the urine goes.. poor little guy! So that will be within the next 2 months... other than that.. they are both really healthy!

Both Ian and Alex rolled over for the first time a couple weeks back but have not rolled over since but they are very active so I am sure they will do it again. They LOVE their exersaucers and the jumperoo.. it is so fun to watch them reach for toys and play. They love staring at eachother - it is so cute... they will lock eyes on eachother and just smile away. Ian loves to be naked... when I take his diaper off.. he gets really hyper and starts kicking away and screaming out of excitment - it is funny!! Ian still loves to be held a lot... not very content on his own like Alex. They both love to watch their video show called eebee - it is super cute and they get all excited when I turn it on. They both love to sit in the bumbo seats. Ian holds his head up much better than Alex does... but Alex is getting there.. I just think he is so layed back that it just isn't on top of his list of priorities.

Naps during the day are very much hit or miss... I will maybe get a 1/2 hour out of Ian in the mornings - Alex could very well keep sleeping but I need to feed them at the same time so I am usually waking Alex up for a feeding. In the afternoon.. same thing... sometimes Ian will sleep an hour.. just depends on the day and then they cat nap for like 15 minutes a couple times before bed. They go to bed roughly around 9:30pm and then sleep till amost 8am. They usually get up a couple times during the night but putting their binky in their mouth usually works. Ian still needs to be swaddled at night... we don't swaddle Alex anymore.

They still eat every 3 hours.. about 5 to 5 1/2 ounces at each feeding. They are in 6 month clothes now... still wear #1 diapers but Ian is going to be moving on from those soon!

They are starting to really giggle now... they love being tickeled on their neck - they really laugh when I do that. They LOVE their little floor exercises that I do with them and giggle away when we do those.

Alex has figured out how to kick his leg in the bouncy seat to make it bounce - I remember Brevin doing this too.. so cute to watch!

They both love bath time - I have a good system down in getting them both their baths - it's a bit of a process but it works out well and they seem to love sitting in the tub.. they just don't like it when I take them out and they really don't like me massaging lotion on them so I usually hurry through that part.

They both drool a lot which is why I always have bibs on them.. otherwise I am changing their outfits way to much because they soak through them!

They really are such good babies.. happy babies. Brevin is such a big help.. if I am getting dinner ready and a baby starts to fuss... he will go over to him and entertain them for me.. they both LOVE to watch their big brother play. Brevin will even do the floor exercises with me... he will take a baby and so will I and we do it together. It is also cute in the car.. not sure if Imentioned this or not but when we are traveling somewhere... one of the babies always sits next to Brevin (we let Brevin choose what baby he wants next to him). If a baby starts fussing.. he will just lean over and put their binky in their mouth and just wait till they calm down.. he is always keeping an eye on them. He is such an amazing big brother!!

We are starting to go out a little more with the boys... I will admit.. it is hard going out with both of them... I still have not gone to the store with both of them.. there are no carts to hold both babies - I could take the stroller but then there is no room for groceries.. so I am still trying to figure out that whole thing. I usually just stay home and Mike will go on his way home from work. I am anxious for spring - just to get outside more and go on walks.. play outside..etc!

We are truely blessed.. I know I have already said this but I will continue to say it over and over again. We are so thankful to God for all our boys.

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